Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Halloween Graveyard - Make a Cemetery in Your Front Yard

Halloween Graveyard - Make a Cemetery in Your Front Yard


You can build a Halloween graveyard in your front yard...or back yard if you like! A graveyard scene is one of the coolest decorations you can make in October. What a great way to add to the spooky, fun feeling we all get around Halloween! Now, let's find out how you can make a scary cemetery scene right in you very own yard.

First, don't wait until the very last minute! Some graveyards can be quite elaborate, and you won't be able to do that in a few days. Plan out what you want your boneyard to look like. You can plan how many tombstones you want and where you want to put them to make your potters field as ghoulish as you can.
If you are creating your very first Halloween graveyard, keep it simple this time. When you are more experienced you can build a more elaborate burying ground.

It's Easy to Build a Graveyard

An easy way to build a graveyard scene is to make your own headstones from cardboard. Cut the card board in a tombstone shape and paint it gray. Think of funny epitaphs to write one each one. Bill is dead, the end, or Bill was a liar when he was alive, and now all he does is lie. Or write some funny names on them I.B. Dead or U. R. Next. Hang a sign that says "Welcome to Necropolis".

Make Some Tombstones

You can also buy simple cardboard tombstones from an online Halloween catalog store. They have pre- made stones that are ready for you to set up. Some tombstones are made of cardboard and some are made of foam. These tombstones can be pre-assembled or you might have to put them together with the help of clips or glue. They might even be attached to a wooden stake that you just have to stick in the ground.

How ever you decide to get your tombstones, when you have them, place them where you want them in your yard. Wow, it's starting to look pretty good, you are almost done! Put some leaves in front of each stone, so it looks like a burial mound. Get some fake spiderweb material and string it from one stone to the next. Use some glow in the dark paint to decorate the cemetery a little...don't over do it, you want it to look macabre.

Make Some Shadows

If you have any spot lights in your yard, why not set them up in the back of the tombstones. Don't use too many, and make sure the wires are hidden safely away so no one trips over them. The lights will create some shadows in your graveyard and make it look spooky. You will only need one light for three or four headstones, so don't over do the won't be scary if you do.

Get Some Body Parts

Get an old shirt or some gloves and fill them with newspaper or leaves. Have them hanging out of the burial mounds, like the dead who are buried there are rising. You can buy some bones, unless you happen to have a skeleton already laying around, and place them around the Halloween graveyard you have made in your front yard.

Welcome To The Graveyard

Now if you are a more experienced graveyard maker, you know exactly what to do. Just keep adding on to your gory burial scene each year, and before you know it you will become "The Graveyard" house everyone wants to go see! You can even add some scary Halloween music to your grave scene to give people the chills when they go by.

It's fun and easy to make a graveyard in your front yard at Halloween, so give it a try. You can make a project out of it and get the entire family involved.

Halloween Graveyard - Make a Cemetery in Your Front Yard

String Lights

String Lights

Halloween Graveyard - Make a Cemetery in Your Front Yard

Halloween Graveyard - Make a Cemetery in Your Front Yard
Halloween Graveyard - Make a Cemetery in Your Front Yard

String Lights

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